Friday, May 29, 2009

That's What Little Boys Are Made of..........

If you are having trouble identifying what it is my son is hugging with such is a SNAKE, yes a LIVE snake! It is a long time dream of Chris's to become a Herpetologist (a snake scientist) so it should come as no surprise to me that his son is loving on a snake. But it does......if you will recall the post with the lizards, he isn't a huge fan of the creepy crawlers. Apparently the snake is an exception. Aden even wanted to pet it's head....the part with all the teeth....crazy boy!
The snake wasn't real friendly but Chris was super careful. But I guess there will be a pet snake in our future....a few years in the future....and a very tame, non-poisonous one.


Luke and Mary said...

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!!!!!!! That's all I've been saying for about the past 5 minutes. That's about all I have to say about that one.

Monica Bingham said...

It's only a bull is harmless.....well the head wasnt! But it was only about 4 feet long, making it about a 2 year old....he was basking on the road so I had to catch him and get him off the road before someone ran his butt over! <----chris