Saturday, October 4, 2008

Non-Car related post :)

So I realized today that it has been a while since I have posted about things other than cars. Chris is still working for the city and loving it. Right now he is winterizing our air conditioners because a cold snap just kicked in....and it is raining. We just finished swapping rooms around and completely reorganizing and rearranging every room of the house. If you have been to our house you will know that up til now Aden has had his bed and all his furnature in the Family room which was nice to have him close if he woke up in the night, but it was time for him to have a room. So now he is in the room that Chris and I were in and we moved upstairs to the "loft" type room. We are sharing space with all my craft stuff but all of Aden's baby clothes have been organized and put down stairs. Aden is growing like a weed and it seems like he learns something new every day. We are all loving him having his own room with a door. It has been so nice to put Aden down to sleep for a nap or at night and just close the door and have him fuss for a minute and then go crawl in bed and go to sleep. I have also enjoyed decorating his new room and I will have pictures soon...sorry Mary it will look like I am a copy cat :). He loves Nemo and so we have been doing mainly Nemo stuff and he loves being in his own little sanctuary. He is getting more and more independent. His newest saying that just kills me is, when something falls or something goes wrong he walks around saying "Oh no!"...which doesn't sound like much but to hear it how he says it is just sooooo funny. He is also getting better at big words like "dinosaur" and "vitamin".....oh and last night he started saying "see ya" ...and waving goodbye. Now about me....well things have calmed down at work and I now enjoy work allot more. I have gotten Aden into a routine which helps me accomplish things I need to do. I have also gotten things at work relatively settled into a routine. I have been doing some painting lately....I painted Chris and my Halloween costumes. I would post pictures but it would spoil the surprise on Halloween. Now I am doing a mural on Aden's wall....yes a nemo Theme of course.


Luke and Mary said...

Yeah, sure, just copy me... and out-do me because he'll have a mural and all sorts of cute stuff. :P Just kidding. it's fine.

It sounds like you have definitely had your work cut out for you with all the rearranging and everything. I can't wait to come see it. Unfortunately, I don't know when that will be....
by the way, thanks for the door shutting tip. Too bad Tianna knows how to open doors so it doesn't help at all. Oh well. We're figuring things out.

Lualemaga's said...

I love it when they start to say stuff. We took lala to a pumpkin patch/place. When she got out of the car she started saying "wow" but it is a big long drawn out one. We will have to come down and visit you guys. I miss ya lots.