Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So last week was the Desert View Credit Union Pro Rodeo. Chris was hopping all week with preparations and was extremely busy all week end while it was going. He worked crazy hours and was run ragged. But on Saturday the last day of the Rodeo Mom, Laura, Aden, and I went to enjoy the festivities. It was really fun and Aden was so cute about all the events. He would get really excited when they did good and cheer really loud "yeah he did it!" and when they didn't do so good he would say "oh, he miss" or "oh darn" and we had him saying stuff like "nice try" and "It's okay". It was a lot of fun and because of Chris' job we got in for free :).

This week is fair week so stay tuned for more pictures of great times....and more exhausting days for Chris.

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